The Economic Dynamics of PVH Corporation

A comprehensive overview of the proprietor of Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.

Sectors & Markets

06 September, 2023

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PVH Corporation is one of the best global-level lifestyle companies with around 27.000 members working in over 40 countries. The company generated a total revenue of $9,024 billion in 2022, $2,158 billion in the first quarter of 2023, and $2,207 billion in the second quarter of 2023.

In the year 2022, Europe (including Africa and the Middle East) provided 47% of the company’s revenue, followed by the US at 32%, the Asia Pacific region at 17%, and the Americas (excluding the US) at 4%. The wholesale channel accounted for 52% while retail captured 43%, and licensing and others held 5% of the total sales.

Q1 2023 had a 2% revenue growth, an 8% climb in direct-to-consumer revenue, and a 2% decline in wholesale sales. The directly-operated digital commerce showed a 4% rise with the total digital revenue falling by 3%. In total turnover, the digital penetration was around 20%.

In Q2 2023, the revenue had grown by 4% on a year-to-year basis with an 11% increase in direct-to-consumer revenue and a 3% decrease in wholesale sales. When it comes to the directly-operated digital commerce, the turnover appears to be having a 12% surge with a 10% fall in total digital sales. The digital penetration was the same as the previous quarter of the year.

The company openly agrees to the fact that it is using a roadmap known as PVH+ Plan to organise its growth in digital, brand, and direct-to-consumer channels. With this plan, the company is able to set up a new pathway on profitability, sustainability, and brand-driven rise, mainly focusing on the two main brands - Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.