Why Is A Circular Economy In The Footwear World Essential?

Understanding the Importance of a Sustainable Economy in the Shoe Industry


29 May, 2023

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What is Circular Economy?

Circular Economy in the fashion world, means considering every aspect of the business to reduce and eliminate wasteful practices and create timeless items that last and are used and reused before returning to the system to be remade again into something else. It’s about fully utilising materials and resources over the long-term period.

Environmental Impact of Footwear

At the footwear innovation summit it was stated that 23.5b pairs of shoes annually for 7.6 billion people around the world. According to Reformation’s Impact Of Fashion report, footwear represents nearly 1/4th of the climate impacts and 97% of the impact of shoes happens during material processing and manufacturing. The first and last steps (manufacturing and disposal respectively) in the shoe life cycle are majorly polluting. Shoe manufacturing produces large amounts of carbon dioxide which contributes to the already serious effects of climate change and global warming.

Sustainability Challenges

Shoes are extremely hard to recycle. A lot of factors such as size, material, lack of recycle options and a complex design procedure, make it difficult to achieve sustainability. Footwear has around 40 different types of materials which makes the separation of materials and breaking them down for recycling very challenging.

According to Greensole, manufacturing a pair of shoes generates 30 lbs. of emissions; equivalent to leaving a 100-watt bulb burning for a week.

Natural materials decompose easily compared to others. For example, cotton takes about 6 months, leather requires 20 to 40 years, while PVC and EVA are around 35% of all shoe materials, globally, and they can take as much as 1,000 years to decompose.

Pillars of Circularity

  • Circular design - Products should be designed to last longer and recycle/upgrade easily.
  • Circular production - Efficient use of energy and water, production methods.
  • Circular treatment - Decent working condition, ethical sourcing and supply chain management
  • Circular traceability - Transparency and trackability in the value chain.
  • Circular use - Using products in a way so that components and products lose their value as little as possible.
  • Circular recovery - Recovery of materials by transforming existing products into new ones by adding value, reducing costs, or reducing waste.

Steps towards Circularity in Footwear

Footwear brands are making efforts towards sustainability by shifting to recycled and eco-friendly materials as the damaging effects of the footwear production become more evident. Companies are designing a shoe without the unnecessary materials or features, choosing materials that fit within a circular economy and offering repair services that deal with wear and tear.

The use of recycled materials in footwear jumped 70% year-over-year in 2019. Mass market and sports brands have worked to change their traditional practices. New start-up brands start product life with this environmentally-friendly approach. Companies are making footwear in which various components can be replaced when worn out, resoled or just snapped together.

Another step towards circularity is changing the ownership of the product. The brand is the owner of the product and the customer leases it. Brands are taking ownership of their products by in-store take back programs, and are then responsible for down cycling the product after use. Companies are also moving towards sustainable supply chains. Brands have publicly shared the supply chain map with consumers which authenticate their claims of sustainability and ethical responsibility.

The Footwear Brands to adopt Sustainability
